Saturday, March 31, 2012

text box text wont change

i have a page that has some text boxes with some text in there..then i have a submit button..the problem is that when i try in code to get what the textboxes have in the .Text property i get what i've put when the page loaded and not what actually the user has written! anyone has experienced this? what am i doing wrong? :confused:

help!!!!!!!!!!!!!You just not checking for post I said in the other thread, post your code (especially your load event code) and I will show you how to use it properly to ensure things like this don't happen.
load event
WebMessage web = Serializer.BinDeSerializer(Server.MapPath(@."Logs\" + Request.QueryString["File"]));
msgTxt.Text = web.Message;
titleTxt.Text = web.Title;
nickTxt.Text = web.Author;
case "EDIT": {
string filename = Server.MapPath(@."Logs\" + Request.QueryString["File"]);
WebMessage oldMsg = Serializer.BinDeSerializer(filename);

if (File.Exists(filename)) {

WebMessage newMsg = new WebMessage(

Serializer.BinSerialize(newMsg, filename);
Response.Redirect("Log.aspx?&Action=POST", true);
where titleTxt,msgTxt,nickTxt are the TextBoxes which arent changing the text
In your page load event, check for Page.IsPostBack.

if (!Page.IsPostBack) {
// Perform your initialization (db calls, etc..)
still not working...i dont get what would help checkin if it is postback or not lol..because if it is postback and now is not working then checking for it wont help, if it isnt and isnt working by checking i will not do it *** can i do?
Because we are working in a stateless environment. Everytime a postback occurs, the page_load event fires off before any of the control event(s) that caused the post back. So, if you reset the values in the load event, then in your event handler, you are still dealing with the initial default values.
Change to this:

if (!Page.IsPostBack)
WebMessage web = Serializer.BinDeSerializer(Server.MapPath(@."Logs\" + Request.QueryString["File"]));
msgTxt.Text = web.Message;
titleTxt.Text = web.Title;
nickTxt.Text = web.Author;
hmm...even with hellswraith code it doesnt work..
Well, the code I posted is the exact same, so it wouldn't work (minus the three lines of code) :rolleyes:

Post your entire code-behind, it's something else..
hmm my page is getting a bit confusing, since its only my 2nd project and i wasnt expecting for somethings i had to implement..i will make a new architecture for the site and then i will try again and if it doesnt work post it here again..but i need to implement cookies..anyone could answer by other post about cookies plz? :D

tks by ur answers btw


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