Wednesday, March 28, 2012

text change, why wont you text change!

Hi i've got a huge form with loadsa recordsets that populate text boxes, AND I MEAN LOADS!!!!
It involves some calculations
I have text1.text which goes away and changes text2.text which is fine, but in text2.text i have another on text change thingy which it wont call :(
any one have any ideas : )
also does any one know how i could call a txt change, so it does the call total a. dont know if thats possible as well.

PrivateSub txtShare_TextChanged(ByVal senderAs System.Object,ByVal eAs System.EventArgs)Handles txtShare.TextChanged

Call Total_A()

Thank you if any one one could help i'd really appreciate it

does this help?

hi just had a look at it,

Hvn't tried it yet, dont think it will do it but i could be wrong hope it works, thanks for the reply
Really appreciate it cheers mate/lass
If any one else has an idea just give us a post dont be scared, go onnnnn
Damb!!! that didnt work, heres my problem again in english - i was a bit tired when i posted it orignally.
I have loadsa text boxes and when i change one it works and it will load the page again and display the new value and run what ever is in the textbox change command.
However when that text box changes there is another text box that also has a text change function applied to it which it needs to call however that doesnt seem to be running its function becuase it thinks the text hasnt change becuase i didnt set it a focus but on the page postback it did change the text grrrr

textbox1 looks like this

PrivateSub txtOwned_TextChanged(ByVal senderAs System.Object,ByVal eAs System.EventArgs)Handles txtOwned.TextChanged

Call Total_A() 'this goes away and does some sums and updates other text boxes and also changes text2 - code below


and text2box looks like this

If txtCaution_b.Text = "0"Then

lblcaution.Text = "Loaded Land Balances"

lblcaution.ForeColor = Color.Black


lblcaution.Text = "Loaded Land Does Not Balance"

lblcaution.ForeColor = Color.Red

in vb this would work damb u DAMB YOUUUUU!!!!

i feel like kicking my self i think it will work but i have to change the js to what ever the textbox is to text1.text rather than using the passing parameter. cheers bud u *

Of course there is no "text" property accessible from Javascript... do you mean "value"?


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